We used to do Secret Santa things in elementary school. I always put effort into mine to make my Secret Santa feel special, and I never ever got anything back. It's not that I need something when I give it, but I think that the people who commit and never deliver take the fun out of everything.
I opt to be the cookie fairy. All year long.
My University friends used to tease me, though they loved it. During exams, when someone was feeling down, or whenever I was feeling particularly domestic, I would bake cookies. And deliver them around campus/the city. For the past three years, I've been sending cookies in the mail for Christmas to some specific people. It's not limited to Christmas, sometimes it happens for Valentine's Day, to cheer someone up, or for no reason at all. I like to make people's day. Especially because I never tell people when they're coming. I love to get a call from a friend back in Ontario informing me how getting my little package made their horrible, rotten, no-good, very bad day absolutely wonderful. It makes me feel good.
So last night, I had a glass of wine, took off layers as the heat overtook the apartment, danced around to Christmas carols, my hair in disarray, covered in white stuff... and this morning I delivered those cookies to Canada Post.
I also left a container of shortbread and fudgey, peanut butter goodness outside the door of our neighbours, inviting them to our Ugly Sweater Christmas party next Saturday. Because cookies are a pretty easy way of making new friends, and if that doesn't work, we'll throw in some ugly sweaters and booze.
I only participate in secret santa when it's with FUN people. I used to do it at work, but I don't know the people well enough to get them something cool
also the captcha (sp?) to leave this comment is "cable" A REAL WORD!
Sorry... it's an exciting moment for me, lol
I'm the cookie fairy too...but it's hard to skip out on secret santa when you're in theatre. We had a gift swapping game that lasted an hour with people pretending to be hugely attached to their presents when they were stolen, shouting that the Mozart CD set is really naked pictures of Mozart and that he's over rated in attempts to dissuade people from stealing their gifts.
This was after a lot of hot buttered rum was consumed in the middle of the day.
I want cookies!
I hate being asked to buy stuff for people when I'm trying to opt out of rampant consumerism in my own home! Not only that, but I have to admit that all of those 'share your recipes and receive 30 more' all stop with me. Do you think anyone really notices?
God I HATE secret santa. I love buying gifts for people, but for whatever reason, the pressure of secret santa is always too much for me. I always get stuck with the person I've talked to ooohhhh about for three seconds.
Send some cookies over here!! :)
i'm such a scrooge this year... i didn't even do cards. :( secret santas always get to me because like you, i'll put TONS of thought into the present and it seriously stings when it isn't returned.
yay for ugly sweater parties!!
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