I want a vacation. I don't need anything tropical, the heat and sun are no friends of mine. But I want to explore. Maybe it's just that I'm so sick of winter. I would settle for Edmonton if there was an abundance of sunshine and a lack of snow. The thought of walking around outside without a jacket just blows my mind.
Totally off your post topic but I notice you are reading The Penelopiad. Have you any impression of "Payback: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth" which is another Margarey Atwood book?
It was reccomended to me.
I've read a lot of Atwood, but not Payback.
Okay my daughter heard Margaret Atwood at one of her classes and reccomended it to me.
My brother just returned from a vacation in Cuba. I don't think I've ever been so jealous of him in my life, including when I was 5 and people were all "Ooh look at the baby!"
That's some gorgeous scenery!
I went to Cuba last year around this time, for my cousin's wedding. It was gorgeous. SPF 60 and muchos rum were my best friends.
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